The latest Property Bulletin from Your Move

The latest Property Bulletin from Your Move

One-in-five are looking to buy this year

If you're considering selling your home, you'll be relieved to know that buyer demand was up 35% at the end of January compared to the same time last year.
According to data published by Property Reporter in February, an independent study of over 2,000 people in the UK indicated that 18% plan to buy a new property this year, rising to 34% when only considering respondents aged 18-34.
The pandemic has changed the things that people look for when buying a property. As a consequence of the shift to remote working, 43% of those who said they planned to buy a home this year will do so in a different area than where they already live, and the continued 'race for space' means competition for homes with gardens and home offices remains high.
If you're considering selling your house while the market is hot, contact us for a free, no-obligation valuation.


Three simple ways to speed up your sale

When it comes to selling a property, the smallest things can make or break the sale. While it's tempting to spend a lot of money staging your property for viewings, you don't have to do so to make it look brand new.
By highlighting the features your property already has and adding a few simple things to brighten up the overall appearance, you can make your home look more enticing to buyers and be on the right track to a faster sale.
Embrace natural light as much as possible
Natural light is one of the most appealing aspects a home can have.
When viewings are scheduled make sure your window ledges are clear and your curtains are fully open. If you have the time, you should also clean your windows.
These adjustments may appear minor, however, they can have a significant impact.
Vacuum rugs and upholstery
If you want your home to look brighter, clean your rugs, upholstery, and sofa cushions.
With a quick clean of the necessities, you can make your room look brand new. Plus, when potential buyers walk in, your property will smell fantastic!
Repaint the walls
The walls are one of the first things potential buyers would notice. By utilising a bright, neutral colour, you may effectively make your home's interiors appear larger and cleaner.
Use a magic eraser to clean the walls if you're short on time. With a few harsh scrubs, dirt and flaws can be totally erased!
Are you thinking about selling your house? Contact us today for a consultation or to book a free valuation.

Could your rental property deliver a higher yield in 2022?

According to recent data, the combination of high tenant demand and low numbers of available properties has caused average UK rents to rise at the fastest rate ever recorded.*
Rental demand has been reported as 32% higher, while the number of available rental properties is 51% lower than this time last year.
Flats have seen the highest increase in competition compared to last year (+132%), followed by terraced properties (+40%) and semi-detached properties (+30%).
Data collected from a popular property portal suggests that the average rental yield across the UK is now 5.5%, which is the highest since 2016.
Industry experts are hopeful that rents will increase further this year, with a well-known portal director explaining, "tenant demand continues to be high entering the new year, meaning the imbalance between supply and demand is set to continue until there is more property choice for tenants, which has led to our prediction of a further 5% increase in average asking rents in 2022."
To find out if you could increase the rental income from your property, get in touch today to book a free lettings valuation.

What happens once your offer has been accepted?

Maybe you have discovered the home of your dreams and your offer has been accepted? Or, maybe you are intrigued to know what will happen when you reach this stage?
To get things moving, here are four things you should do after your offer has been accepted:
Confirmation of acceptance
Once your offer is accepted, your estate agent will almost certainly contact you to congratulate you, and they will likely want to confirm a few details with you to finalise the offer.
Generally, you will be expected to send confirmation for the following:
• You have enough funds to make the purchase
• A copy of your mortgage agreement in principle
• You have a solicitor or are actively attempting to obtain one
Get in touch with your solicitor
Instructing your solicitor as soon as possible is likely to assist in speeding up your purchase. If you have not already found a solicitor, request a recommendation from your estate agent.
At this point, your solicitor will begin conducting property checks and searches. Depending on the solicitor, they may require payment in advance for some services.
Completion of your mortgage application
You will need to submit a full application for your mortgage once your offer has been accepted. This is to apply for the specific amount of money you need to purchase the house.
If you are working with a mortgage professional, they will walk you through this procedure and inform you of the information you will need to provide.
Arrange a property survey
While surveys are not mandatory when purchasing a new house, they are a wise investment. Surveys can assist you in determining any present or prospective difficulties with the property. To arrange a survey, ask your estate agent to schedule a time with the sellers.
If you're still on the lookout for a new property, we may have what you need!
For a dedicated consultation with our property experts, book a consultation.